
SoCS 2017


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Past SoCS Conferences
2016 Tarrytown, New York, USA
2015 Ein Gedi, Isral
2014 Prague, Czech Republic
2013 Leavenworth, WA
2012 Niagara Falls, Canada
2011 Barcelona, Spain
2010 Atlanta, GA
2009 Lake Arrowhead, CA
2008 Chicago, IL

SoCS 2017: The 10th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search


The first section of this page presents the program at a glance. Then, detailed schedules for the days of June 16th and 17th are presented. The program can still suffer some changes.

In the program, long papers get 25 minutes each including time for questions and answers. Short papers get 20 minutes each, including time for questions. Extended abstracts, previously published papers and late-breaking posters are presented as posters.

Program at a Glance

June 16th

7:00 – 8:20

Breakfast. Brighton

8:30 – 8:50

Opening Remarks. Brighton II-IV Room

8:50 – 9:50

Invited Talk 1. Brighton II-IV Room

9:50 – 10:15

Coffee Break

10:15 – 11:50

Session 1. Brighton II-IV Room

11:50 – 13:20

Lunch Break. Woodlawn

13:20 – 15:05

Poster Session 1. Brighton II-IV Room

15:05 – 15:30

Coffee Break

15:30 – 16:40

Session 2. Brighton II-IV Room

16:40 – 16:45

Short Break

16:45 – 17:55

Session 3. Brighton II-IV Room

17:55 –

Dinner. Fountainview

June 17th

7:30 – 8:50

Breakfast. Brighton

9:00 – 10:00

Invited Talk 2. Brighton II-IV Room

10:00 – 10:25

Coffee Break

10:25 – 12:00

Session 4. Brighton II-IV Room

12:00 – 13:30

Lunch Break. Woodlawn

13:30 – 15:15

Poster Session 2. Brighton II-IV Room

15:15 – 15:40

Coffee Break

15:40 – 16:45

Session 5. Brighton II-IV Room

16:45 – 16:50

Short Break

16:50 – 18:00

Session 6. Brighton II-IV Room

18:00 – 18:15

Closing Remarks. Brighton II-IV Room

Detailed Program for June 16th

7:00 – 8:20

Breakfast. Brighton

8:30 – 8:50

Opening Remarks. Brighton II-IV Room

8:50 – 9:50

IInvited Talk 1. Brighton II-IV Room

Chair: Alex Fukunaga

Daniel Borrajo

Diverse, Adaptive and Declarative Problem Solving

9:50 – 10:15

Coffee Break

10:15 – 11:50

Session 1. Brighton II-IV Room

Chair: Malte Helmert

Ariel Felner, Roni Stern, Solomon Eyal Shimony, Eli Boyarski, Meir Goldenberg, Guni Sharon, Nathan Sturtevant, Glenn Wagner and Pavel Surynek

Search-Based Optimal Solvers for the Multi-Agent Pathfinding Problem: Summary and Challenges (long)

Shunhao Oh and Hon Wai Leong

Edge N-Level Sparse Visibility Graphs: Fast Optimal Any-Angle Pathfinding Using Hierarchical Taut Paths (long)

Nicolás Hormazábal, Antonio Díaz, Carlos Hernández and Jorge A. Baier

Fast and Almost Optimal Any-Angle Pathfinding Using the 2k Neighborhoods (short)

Tansel Uras and Sven Koenig

Feasibility Study: Subgoal Graphs on State Lattices (long)

11:50 – 13:20

Lunch Break. Woodlawn

13:20 – 15:05

Poster Session 1. Brighton II-IV Room

Hong Xu, T. K. Satish Kumar and Sven Koenig

A Linear-Time and Linear-Space Algorithm for the Minimum Vertex Cover Problem on Giant Graphs

Roni Tzvi Stern, Meir Goldenberg and Ariel Felner

Shortest Path for K Goals

Pavel Surynek, Ariel Felner, Roni Stern and Eli Boyarski

Modifying Optimal SAT-Based Approach to Multi-Agent Path-Finding Problem to Suboptimal Variant

Ariel Felner, Dor Atzmon, Roni Stern, Glenn Wagner, Roman Batrak and Neng-Fa Zhou

k-Robust Multi-Agent Path Finding

Eshed Shaham, Ariel Felner and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein

Memory-Bounded Bidirectional Search

Stefan Edelkamp, Eike Externest, Sabine Kuske and Sebastian Kühl

Solving Graph Optimization Problems in a Framework for Monte-Carlo Search

Alberto Camacho, Oscar Chen, Scott Sanner and Sheila A. McIlraith

Non-Markovian Rewards Expressed in LTL: Guiding Search via Reward Shaping

Liron Cohen, Glenn Wagner, T. K. Satish Kumar, Howie Choset and Sven Koenig

Rapid Randomized Restarts for Multi-Agent Path Finding Solvers

Liron Cohen, T. K. Satish Kumar, Tansel Uras and Sven Koenig

The FastMap Algorithm for Shortest Path Computations

Christabel Wayllace, Ping Hou, William Yeoh and Tran Cao Son

Goal Recognition Design with Stochastic Agent Action Outcomes

Vincent Cicirello

Searching for a Permutation in a Haystack

Hong Xu, Xin-Zeng Wu, T. K. Satish Kumar and Sven Koenig

The Buss Reduction for the k-Weighted Vertex Cover Problem

Mina Abdi Oskouie and Vadim Bulitko

Robustness of Real-time Heuristic Search Algorithms to Input/Output Error in Externally Stored Heuristics

Devon Sigurdson and Vadim Bulitko

Deep Learning for Real-time Heuristic Search Algorithm Selection

Vadim Bulitko

Effects of Self-knowledge in Real-time Heuristic Search: First Results

15:05 – 15:30

Coffee Break

15:30 – 16:40

Session 2. Brighton II-IV Room

Chair: Vadim Bulitko

Daniel Gilon, Ariel Felner and Roni Stern

Dynamic Potential Search on Weighted Graphs (short)

Eshed Saham, Ariel Felner, Jingwei Chen and Nathan R. Sturtevant

The Minimal Set of States that Must Be Expanded in a Front-To-End Bidirectional Search (long)

Manuel Heusner, Thomas Keller and Malte Helmert

Understanding the Search Behaviour of Greedy Best-First Search (long, best paper award)

16:40 – 16:45

Short Break

16:45 – 17:55

Session 3. Brighton II-IV Room

Chair: Carlos Hernández

Malte Helmert, Nathan R. Sturtevant and Ariel Felner

On Variable Dependencies and Compressed Pattern Databases (short)

Silvan Sievers, Martin Wehrle, Malte Helmert and Michael Katz

Strengthening Canonical Pattern Databases with Structural Symmetries (long)

Eldan Cohen and J. Christopher Beck

Cost-Based Heuristics and Node Re-Expansions Across the Phase Transition (long)

17:55 –

Dinner. Fountainview

Detailed Program for June 17th

7:30 – 8:50

Breakfast. Brighton

9:00 – 10:00

Invited Talk 2. Brighton II-IV Room

Chair: Akihiro Kishimoto

Shin-ichi Minato

Power of Enumeration -- BDD/ZDD-Based Techniques for Solving Combinatorial Problems

10:00 – 10:25

Coffee Break

10:25 – 12:00

Session 4. Brighton II-IV Room

Chair: Kazuki Yoshizoe

Satoru Horie and Alex Fukunaga

Block-Parallel IDA* for GPUs (short)

Vincent A. Cicirello

Variable Annealing Length and Parallelism in Simulated Annealing (long)

Seongsoo Moon and Mary Inaba

Boost SAT Solver with Hybrid Branching Heuristic (long)

Richard Valenzano, Danniel Sihui Yang

An Analysis and Enhancement of the Gap Heuristic for the Pancake Puzzle (long)

12:00 – 13:30

Lunch Break. Woodlawn

13:30 – 15:15

Poster Session 2. Brighton II-IV Room

Ishani Chatterjee, Maxim Likhachev, and Manuela Veloso

Search Reduction Through Conservative Abstract-Space Based Heuristic

Mauro Vallati, Lukás Chrpa and Thomas L. McCluskey

Improving a Planner's Performance through Online Heuristic Configuration of Domain Models

Nils Christian Froleyks and Tomas Balyo

Using an Algorithm Portfolio to Solve Sokoban

Bernhard Nebel and Johannes Aldinger

Interval Based Relaxation Heuristics for Numeric Planning with Action Costs

Masataro Asai, Akihiro Kishimoto, Adi Botea, Radu Marinescu, Elizabeth M. Daly and Spyros Kotoulas

Efficient Optimal Search under Expensive Edge Cost Computation

Raquel Fuentetaja, Michael W. Barley, Daniel Borrajo, Jordan Douglas, Santiago Franco and Patricia Riddle

Meta-Search Through the Space of Representations and Heuristics on a Problem by Problem Basis

Kazuki Yoshizoe, Aika Terada and Koji Tsuda

Redesigning pattern mining algorithms for supercomputers

Nicolás Rivera, Carlos Hernández Ulloa and Jorge Baier

Grid Pathfinding on the 2^k Neighborhoods

Carlos Hernández Ulloa, Adi Botea, Jorge Baier and Vadim Bulitko

Online Bridged Pruning for Real-Time Search with Arbitrary Lookaheads

Franco Muñoz, Miguel Fadic, Jorge Baier and Carlos Hernández Ulloa

Using a Neural Network to Make Decisions in Real-Time Heuristic Search

Daniel Gnad, Valerie Poser and Joerg Hoffmann

Beyond Forks: Finding and Ranking Star Factorings for Decoupled Search

Santiago Franco, Álvaro Torralba, Levi H. S. Lelis and Mike Barley

On Creating Complementary Pattern Databases

Sneha Sawlani and Nathan Sturtevant

Explaining the Performance of Bidirectional Dijkstra and A* on Road Networks

Jingwei Chen, Robert C. Holte, Sandra Zilles and Nathan R. Sturtevant

Front-to-End Bidirectional Heuristic Search with Near-Optimal Node Expansions

15:15 – 15:40

Coffee Break

15:40 – 16:45

Session 5. Brighton II-IV Room

Chair: Álvaro Torralba

Francesco Percassi, Alfonso Emilio Gerevini and Hector Geffner

Improving Plan Quality through Heuristics for Guiding and Pruning the Search: A Study Using LAMA (short)

Jendrik Seipp

Better Orders for Saturated Cost Partitioning in Optimal Classical Planning (short, best student paper award)

Federico Falcone, Alfonso E. Gerevini and Alessandro Saetti

On Realizing Planning Programs in Domains with Dead-End States (long)

16:45 – 16:50

Short Break

16:50 – 18:00

Session 6. Brighton II-IV Room

Chair: Richard Valenzano

Gerald Paul, Gabriele Röger, Thomas Keller and Malte Helmert

Optimal Solutions to Large Logistics Planning Domain Problems (long)

Maximilian Fickert and Jörg Hoffmann

Ranking Conjunctions for Partial Delete Relaxation Heuristics in Planning (long)

Daniel Gnad, Álvaro Torralba and Jörg Hoffmann

Symbolic Leaf Representation in Decoupled Search (short)


Closing Remarks. Brighton II-IV Room