SoCS 2017: The 10th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search
Accepted Papaers
Below is the list of papers accepted to SoCS 2017.
Long Papers
Search-based Optimal Solvers for the Multi-agent Pathfinding Problem: Summary and Challenges.
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On Realizing Planning Programs in Domains with Dead-end States.
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The Minimal Set of States that Must be Expanded in a Front-to-end Bidirectional Search.
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Boost SAT Solver with Hybrid Branching Heuristic.
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Variable Annealing Length and Parallelism in Simulated Annealing.
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Cost-based Heuristics and Node Re-Expansions Across the Phase Transition.
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Optimal Solutions to Large Logistics Planning Domain Problems.
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Edge N-Level Sparse Visibility Graphs: Fast Optimal Any-Angle Pathfinding Using Hierarchical Taut Paths.
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Ranking Conjunctions for Partial Delete Relaxation Heuristics in Planning.
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Understanding the Search Behaviour of Greedy Best-First Search.
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Strengthening Canonical Pattern Databases with Structural Symmetries.
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An Analysis and Enhancement of the Gap Heuristic for the Pancake Puzzle.
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Feasibility Study: Subgoal Graphs on State Lattices.
Short Papers
Dynamic Potential Search on Weighted Graphs.
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On Planning with Dual Heuristics for Guiding and Pruning the Search in LAMA.
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Symbolic Leaf Representation in Decoupled Search.
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Better Orders for Saturated Cost Partitioning in Optimal Classical Planning.
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On Variable Dependencies and Compressed Pattern Databases.
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Fast and Almost Optimal Any-Angle Pathfinding Using the 2^k Neighborhoods.
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Block-Parallel IDA* for GPUs.
Extended Abstracts
A Linear-Time and Linear-Space Algorithm for the Minimum Vertex Cover Problem on Giant Graphs.
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Shortest Path for K Goals.
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Modifying Optimal SAT-based Approach to Multi-agent Path-finding Problem to Suboptimal Variants.
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k-Robust Multi-Agent Path Finding.
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Search Reduction Through Conservative Abstract-Space Based Heuristic.
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Improving a Planner's Performance through Online Heuristic Configuration of Domain Models.
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Using an Algorithm Portfolio to Solve Sokoban.
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Interval Based Relaxation Heuristics for Numeric Planning with Action Costs.
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A Framework for Monte-Carlo Search Solving Graph Optimization Problems.
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Non-Markovian Rewards Expressed in LTL: Guiding Search via Reward Shaping.
Previously Published Papers and Late-Breaking Posters
Online Bridged Pruning for Real-Time Search with Arbitrary Lookaheads.
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Goal Recognition Design with Stochastic Agent Action Outcomes.
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Searching for a Permutation in a Haystack.
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Grid Pathfinding on the 2^k Neighborhoods.
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Efficient Optimal Search under Expensive Edge Cost Computation.
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Meta-Search Through the Space of Representations and Heuristics on a Problem by Problem Basis.
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The Buss Reduction for the k-Weighted Vertex Cover Problem.
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Rapid Randomized Restarts for Multi-Agent Path Finding Solvers.
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The FastMap Algorithm for Shortest Path Computations.
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Beyond Forks: Finding and Ranking Star Factorings for Decoupled Search.
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On Creating Complementary Pattern Databases.
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Effects of Self-knowledge in Real-time Heuristic Search: First Results.
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Robustness of Real-time Heuristic Search Algorithms to Input/Output Error in Externally Stored Heuristics.
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Memory-Bounded Bidirectional Search.
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Redesigning pattern mining algorithms for supercomputers.
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Deep Learning for Real-time Heuristic Search Algorithm Selection.
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Explaining the Performance of Bidirectional Dijkstra and A* on Road Networks.
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Using a Neural Network to Make Decisions in Real-Time Heuristic Search.
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Front-to-End Bidirectional Heuristic Search with Near-Optimal Node Expansions.